AUSTIN – Local heterosexual, cisgender woman Emma Fletcher commited an act of heroism this weekend when she introduced her similarly heterosexual, cisgender boyfriend as her ‘partner’ to a few close friends. Fletcher, who became a champion for human rights after watching Call Me By Your Name, says that she can relate to the feeling of having to mask parts of yourself. “I had to lie about being distantly related to John McCain for all of 2008,” she claimed, taking a bite out of her Chick-Fil-A chicken sandwich, “It’s not okay to be judged for what you were born into.” When asked about her opinion of Stonewall, she had an insightful message for the LGBTQ youth: “Um, I don’t know how that relates but I don’t support building the wall if that’s what you mean?” At press time, Fletcher was seen forecefully giving her hairdresser’s phone number to a gay man she’d met on the street 5 minutes prior.