LOS ANGELES — Filmmakers and scholars have finally concluded that amongst all of legendary filmmaker Quentin Tarantino’s stylistic choices, the n-word is his official trademark. “After analyzing all of Tarantino’s feature films, my team thought it was appropriate to say that the only consistent aspect of all his works was the ’n-word’,” said Michael Neman, president of the Ceaside Cinephiles (The Ceaside Cinephiles is a guys-only cinema club dedicated to the study and consumption of films that are only of utmost importance to the filmmaking community). The importance of this revelation in an environment where filmmakers are constantly striving to differentiate their films from the other hundreds that are produced every year can’t be stressed enough. Fans of certain directors flock to the screens to see their favorite directors and creators and will often buy tickets to a certain movie based on certain expectations. “Some people will argue that it’s his foot fetish or his chapter-structure. But in reality, it’s his cavalier use of the n-word. Even when he features himself in his movies he says it a couple of times a scene. Totally badass. Hitchcock has his cameos, Anderson has his symmetry, and Quentin has the historically shunned ethnic slur,” said Neman. At press time, Neman was passing out flyers for the club’s next event, a “just for boys pizza party” screening of Jump In.