So, I’m at home sitting on the couch with my feet tucked under my significant other’s thigh, getting ready to enjoy the latest Chala-masterpiece, Beautiful Boy. If you’re not familiar, the film is about Timothée, and he does a lot of drugs, and it features Steve Carell, trying to get him off drugs. But every time Timmy-boy shoots up some black tar H, he’s nothing but compelling, and it just makes me want to ride the ice-train with him. Seriously, this movie should be played with a warning beforehand that says “Warning, scenes with drugs use are incredibly tempting, this is acting.” I mean, usually with a drug film I have a certain level of separation and restraint, but when I see that Chalamet jawline I just surrender. By the end of the movie, my partner and I had scored some smack from this homeless child on GoPuff. I was seriously about to shoot up until the credits started rolling and I was like ‘You know what, this is just movie-magic’ and put the needle down. Still, this should serve as a cautionary tale. Never have I been this deeply hooked by a performance, but then again, that’s the Chala-master. Anyways, go see Beautiful Boy, I’d give it a solid B+.