In today’s polarized society, we are so quick to jump to assumptions about people that we don’t even know. It seems like everyone is being pitted against each other, to the benefit of no one. It doesn’t matter if you’re black, white, purple, David from Sigma Chi, or green. We should all be working to dismantle stereotypes and examine our own biases. For example, everyone says that sorority girls are spoiled, but I literally don’t even have a BMW. Let that sink in for a second. And I know what you’re thinking: “Are you sure?” Yes, I’m motherforking sure. My Honda CR-V gets me around perfectly, thank you very much. It honestly makes me so upset when people see the letters on the back of my car (which just to reiterate, is not a BMW) and assume that my dad works in finance and my mom throws expensive parties at our mansion. Not true. My dad is a lawyer and my mom mysteriously disappeared off of the coast of St. Barts in 2011. That just goes to show you that not all stereotypes are true, except for what my dad says about those frugal Jews that he works with! All in all, we have to work at being more respectful towards one another, and the very first step is acknowledging that I DON’T HAVE A FUCKING BMW!